Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Become a charismatic leader of men

The concept of leadership has no ' exact equivalent in French: refers to the qualities required for a leader of men or simply keeping the English term 'is a good leader or a bad leader.
We can therefore ask ourselves questions on the level of interest and importance that this term may have in the management of our French companies.

A good leader"is someone who sees clear and far, who is calm in crisis situations, which has a positive and encouraging attitude which is integrated, coherent, efficient and competent; It has the ability to give inspiration to others, to influence and to give them a direction to follow.
Attention, it is to give a direction and not only guidance and influence them to change.

In general the leader is recognized by the group when the leader is imposed by the status in the hierarchy the situation is much more ambiguous.

In France the power is mainly considered to be bound to the hierarchical situation and it is not in the French interest in a development culture any qualities of 'leader' and on the other hand, paradoxically, many think that the qualities of a leader are natural.
Actually wondering about his type of 'leadership' becomes a requirement at present in a social crisis situation that disrupts and weakens social relationships in the world of work.
Manager in France is neither obvious nor natural.
The French do not learn to work together in the school; they do not learn to handle and express their emotions; They also live a paradox in that they value autonomy while preferring the submission to a higher order if it protects. So a leader rarely has a team under his command but more individuals to learn how to make a team.

On the other hand a good leader is someone who is also on the side of his team, we said, in crisis situations; However very often leaders apply to change others, deplore the negative circumstances, but rarely think to change them! They reflect little on their management style and their personal 'leadership' almost never!
Yet it seems difficult to others without questioning what leads you, your values, your goals. A good leader has generally a good considers itself, but it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between self-esteem and narcissism: wondering about what we are and what we want to become therefore seems to be a reflection that should be the basis of any leadership.

Get to know self and then get to know the other, here seems two essential requirements.

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